One Last Visit to M-T - Photo Gallery Photo Gallery

Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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Most viewed - One Last Visit to M-T
Fighting Lancers181 viewsThis Fighting Lancers banner has hung in the gym for decades. The Lancers mascot stopped being used for high school sports in 1988, and was retired completely in 2007.
Andrew and Cathy in a classroom179 viewsOne of the classrooms near the gym.
Lower-level classroom175 viewsTim's 7th grade year, this room was a dedicated study hall. Then when the elementary came over, they actually divided it in two (you can see the lighter tile strip where the wall used to be) to become two very small classrooms.
Mrs. Fischer's room162 viewsWilliam stands by the blackboard where Cathy wrote "Mrs. Fischer's Room"
William in a locker154 viewsWilliam checks out a locker. These don't look brand new or anything, but they're a lot nicer than the ones we had when I was there...
Mr. Tudor's Paddle153 viewsMr. Tudor has taught social studies/history at M-T since the early 80's. He was Tim's track coach as well as coached some great football teams over the years.
Pencils in the ceiling...144 viewsWhen Tim was in school, people liked to fling pencils (and drumsticks) into the ceiling tile. Either they never removed them in the last 20 years, or the kids today still do the same...
Metal Shop141 viewsThe welding/metal shop area, messy but not changed much since the 80's...
Math Room141 viewsAnother classroom, this one the "math" room. There used to be a lot of (Apple II) computers along that back wall with all the outlets, when Tim was in school...
Yet Another Classroom135 views
Treed view135 viewsAnother view from the back, through the trees.
M-T class of 1988133 viewsTim's graduating class, the last class of M-T high school before it merged to become SCMT. Yes, that's the entire class. Now you understand why the school had to merge, and eventually close...
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