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Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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Chair Skating10267 viewsWe did eventually convince him to leave the chair behind and try skating all by himself, but evidently we didn't take any pictures of that.
Skating with Chair7733 viewsSoon he was off pushing the chair all by himself.
Ramp Stringers7399 viewsThe next step was to install the stringers. We used four, ripping them at the appropriate angle, and hooking them onto a 2x6 ledger board lag-screwed into the shed. The ends of the stringers are secured into the patio blocks with Tapcon screws. By the way, notice the window trim is white -- we have partially completed priming the trim, but have a ways to go. Eventually this trim will be dark brown.
Guys locker room6840 viewsJust proof that there is such a thing as "smell memory", we all walked into the guys locker room and immedately gasped "oh man, it's that smell..." Decades of musty, sweaty odor <g>. At some point they put in newer lockers, but otherwise the room was pretty much identical to when Tim ran track and had PE in the 80's.
Foundation6402 viewsThe hardest part about the foundation was getting it all level. We laid out a level reference line over what we thought was level ground, but it ended up having about a 10" slope. Since we are building under several trees, height was a concern. We ended up excavating a lot of dirt to level out the site.
Finished Foundation5296 viewsThe finished foundation! The plywood went on very smoothly, and then we cleaned up the large piles of dirt excavated from under parts of the foundation. Finally, Tim got out the ladder to prune back some low-hanging tree branches in preparation for the rest of the building's construction. For the remainder of the week, we had a nice "raised wooden patio" as time commitments, as well as the weather, didn't allow us to get any further with building.
Snoopy Hug4550 viewsNothing like hugging a big, snowy (and plastic) Snoopy.
Tractor Cake #24161 viewsThis is the second of William's cool John Deere cakes -- this one was for the "real" party and featured a hay wagon as well!
Home Ec. Room3675 viewsThe old home-ec. room, which has changed very little over the years since I've been in school. It even still smells the same...
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