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Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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CDC 3800 data1124 viewsClick on the image to read about the CDC 3800. Note that it featured 128K of ram, and cost $1.9 million!
Waterloo Boy878 viewsHere Cathy poses with a John Deere Waterloo Boy in the Museum of American History. If you've browsed elsewhere in this site, you know we're John Deere fans. You can also find other Deere pictures from previous vacations to Moline and Charles City.
Original Apple Computer574 viewsAlso from this exhibit is this original "Apple I" computer, complete with homemade wooden case.
Concorde and FedEx Plane531 viewsOn display at the Udvar-Hazy center are many planes that are much too big to be displayed at the original Air and Space Museum on the National Mall, including this Air France Concorde. Also seen here is the first plane owned by Federal Express for delivering overnight packages.
ENIAC372 viewsTim poses with a small piece of the ENIAC, which was the first digital computing machine, developed in 1946.
Wright Brother's Plane360 viewsThe Wright Brother's first plane is now on display on ground level in the National Air and Space Museum. Until recently it was displayed hanging from the ceiling.
Udvar-Hazy Center: National Air and Space Museum306 viewsIt's hard to get a feel for just how big this museum is via pictures, but this one gives you an idea. This picture was taken from the center of the museum looking toward the commercial section. The hangar extended the same distance the other direction (behind the camera), and there is a third wing/hangar to the right of the camera housing the Space Hangar.
CDC 3800274 viewsThe Control Data Corp. 3800 was a 1960's-era computer which Cathy's dad was on the development team for. We were looking for this computer in the American History museum with the computers earlier in this page, but were surprised to find it at the Udvar-Hazy center. It was used for satellite tracking by the Air Force.
Tim & Gershwin's Piano271 viewsIn the Library of Congress, there is a George and Ira Gershwin exhibit featuring the Gershwin's own piano.
Tiim & Cathy with Enterprise267 viewsHere we pose in front of the Enterprise, although the kind gentleman who took the picture for us didn't frame it very well <grin>.
Enola Gay261 viewsThe large silver plane in this picture is the Enola Gay, which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
Space Shuttle Enterprise249 viewsA view of the Space Shuttle Enterprise from the side.
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