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 Fischersplace.com Photo Gallery

Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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Waterloo BoyHere Cathy poses with a John Deere Waterloo Boy in the Museum of American History. If you've browsed elsewhere in this site, you know we're John Deere fans. You can also find other Deere pictures from previous vacations to Moline and Charles City.
Finished product: Shower areaHere's a view of the front of the shower area.
BottleA familiar scene -- Andrew gets a Bottle.
If I keep looking cute......maybe they'll keep taking pictures...
More TractorsAnother view of the yard
Yet Another Classroom
Cargo NetAt the end of the swing beam is a cantilevered section that we were originally going to leave out because we didn't think we had the space. We ended up having space and left it in. Due to the proximity of the tree, we couldn't put in a disc or tire swing like the plans called for. At first we were going to just leave it 'blank' and reserve it for a future 2-person glider swing once more kids come along. But instead, we decided to make our own "cargo net" climber and attach it there in the meantime.

Aug 2011 update: This "temporary" cargo net became somewhat permanent. I had intended this to last 2 or 3 years and then put in the double-glider as mentioned above. But the kids really like this cargo net. Today it officially wore out, and rather than putting in a glider, I actually rebuilt it with new rope. It's hard to say if we'll ever get the glider at this point :)
Wolf Creek PassOn our way out of Durango, we drove through Wolf Creek Pass, which there is a famous song about that I don't really know...
William and Andrew
Scoop and the Boys
Another "Stop" Sign in the Maze
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