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 Fischersplace.com Photo Gallery

Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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US MintNo cameras allowed in the Mint, but they can't stop me from taking this picture, Bwahahahaha! Wait, what are those black helicopters...
Feeding the Ducks
Ober GatlinburgGatlinburg has a huge aerial tramway that goes up a mountain over the town. William, smiley as usual, poses inside.
Registering for GiftsTim tries to scan the Little Mermaid
Train on the Curve
Proud MomMom poses as Williams "puppy" looks on.
Library of CongressHere Cathy poses in the atrium of the extremely elaborate Jefferson building at the Library of Congress. This area is literally a shrine to knowledge, with symbols of knowledge throughout.
Andrew and PuppyWilliam's puppy used to look all nice and plush like this. These days he's a bit worn, but VERY loved...
Garage DoorHere's some detail on the garage door. As noted above, it's made of coro cut to size, and "prerolled" so that it wants to roll up with the door tracks. The tracks were made out of 2x4 stock, making an L-shape using a half-lap joint, then freehand-routing a groove in them for the door to slide in. Four stabilizer bars of wood, bolted to the coro door, add lateral strength, similar to the struts on a real garage door. There's an extra 2x4 on top in this pic that shouldn't be there thanks to William!
Getting ready to remove old doorSiding and flashing stripped away in preparation for the door install.
Life PreserverPosing by the ring.
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