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 Fischersplace.com Photo Gallery

Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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William and MomWilliam and Mom pose by the engine. Fortunately that bell didn't go off while they were standing there...
Tractor Cake!Yet another Tractor Cake! The boys love the tractor cake, and William asked for it for weeks ahead of time...
Red BallHe knew what to do with the balls right away.
William and Dad on the EngineWilliam was a little intimidated by the engine, but still liked it a lot.
White House from Washington MonumentLooking toward the White House from the Washington Monument. The original plan was to have the Washington Monument be right at the intersection of a line from the White House and a line from the Capitol. As you can see, though, they had to change the location slightly.
Andrew's first Merry go Round RideAndrew wasn't so sure he liked the merry-go-round. Maybe he was just having a bad day, because normally he's kind of a daredevil...
BottleA familiar scene -- Andrew gets a Bottle.
Puppy Kindergarten GraduationOn March 30, 2002, Bailey received his first diploma by graduating from Puppy Kindergarten. Above proud parents Tim & Cathy show off the diploma (although Bailey seems more interested in looking for a treat).
Inching awayThe train started out very slowly and took some time to pick up speed, but eventually made it up to a cruising speed of somewhere around 45 or 50 mph, judging from our speed as we "chased" it.
MinnesotaI guess we wanted everyone to know where we were from that day...
US Botanical Center ConservatoryThis picture is actually not from the zoo, but at the US Botanical Center Conservatory near the Capitol building. But, it seemed to fit in well with all the animal pictures. We only had about 45 minutes at the center, but it was a beautiful place and featured many lovely plants.
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