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 Fischersplace.com Photo Gallery

Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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Siding StartedThe next two days (Sunday and Monday) we were able to get some of the siding hung. The siding we're using is some nice quality 4x8 plywood siding which looks like 8" boards hung vertically. One nice thing about this type of siding is that it serves as both the sheathing and the siding, so it means less work. This picture shows the back of the shed fully sided, and the two sides partially sided.
Back YardA view of part of our back yard, with Cathy and Bailey still playing. By late fall when this picture was taken, our pond (in the background) had obtained a bright green coating. Starting in 2003 we retained a pond service to help with this condition and keep the pond in better shape.
Hang on!Lovin' that playground...
Daddy's BirthdayWilliam poses with the Birthday Guy (taken on Tim's birthday, June 2005).
Bridge Collapse looking SouthAnother view from the north end of the 10th Avenue Bridge.
Walking, thanks to my WalkerWilliam in his walker, which he loves to explore the living room, dining room, and kitchen in. What's the helmet about? It's a CranioCap which is helping round out the back of his head, which was flattened at a young age by him preferring to lay in the same position.
Pinapple FishThe body of this fish is a pineapple, along with some other items.
Hall view of 'gym wing'This is the hallway of the 1950's addition next to the gym.
WWII Memorial at NightThis night shot shows the memorial at night, with the Lincoln Memorial in the background.
Angled handrail in placeHere's a view from the entryway of the installed upper railing. We were quite relieved to have this piece installed properly!
Cards and GiftsWilliam checks out his loot.
Railings GoneThe railings have been removed.
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