Home > Our Family > Our Kids > William - Fischersplace.com Photo Gallery

 Fischersplace.com Photo Gallery

Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
Home > Our Family > Our Kids > William

William's 5th Birthday


William turns 5, and scores a new bike!

43 files, last one added on Jan 12, 2010
Album viewed 143 times

T-Ball, Summer 2009


William gets his first real taste of team sports.

16 files, last one added on Sep 10, 2009
Album viewed 132 times

William's 4th Birthday


William turns four! Time for a Party!

29 files, last one added on Oct 01, 2008
Album viewed 134 times

Steam Train in Minneapolis (Sept 2008)


Daddy and Wiiliam, with friends, go to see a steam train!

13 files, last one added on Oct 01, 2008
Album viewed 137 times

William's First Day of Preschool (Sept 2008)


William, our "big boy", goes to preschool for the first time.

7 files, last one added on Oct 01, 2008
Album viewed 83 times

Ice Skating January 2008


William tries out ice skating on Parker's Lake

9 files, last one added on Mar 27, 2008
Album viewed 94 times

William in Christmas Display, 2007


Once again, William becomes part of the display as we celebrate the new year and the last night of our lights.

26 files, last one added on Mar 08, 2008
Album viewed 147 times

Late 2007 Misc


A few various pics from the last few months of 2007.

9 files, last one added on Mar 08, 2008
Album viewed 90 times

2007 Christian Fair


In November 2007, we attended a Christian Family Fair.

15 files, last one added on Mar 08, 2008
Album viewed 131 times

William's 3rd Birthday


William turns three! With the help of some family and friends, he finds reason to celebrate!

49 files, last one added on Mar 08, 2008
Album viewed 144 times

Church Picnic


Some pictures from the 2007 New Hope Church picnic

5 files, last one added on Sep 06, 2007
Album viewed 85 times

More Playground Fun


As we've said in earlier albums, we love taking William to different parks and playgrounds. On this particular day, we head to Parkers Lake Playground with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and the brand-new brother Andrew!

8 files, last one added on Sep 06, 2007
Album viewed 82 times

4th of July 2007


William has fun on the 4th of July!

37 files, last one added on Sep 06, 2007
Album viewed 152 times

William's 2nd Birthday


William turns two! What better reason to have some friends over to play on the new playground?

23 files, last one added on Oct 01, 2006
Album viewed 130 times

Water Fun


On a particularly hot July day, we brought William outside in a makeshift "pool" to have some water fun.

9 files, last one added on Jul 29, 2006
Album viewed 78 times


22 albums on 2 page(s) 1

Random files - William
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HungryDo goats ever fill up?
SnowmanWilliam brushes off our very snowy Snowman.
More Tractor Poses