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Photos from the collection of the Fischer Family
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Most viewed - Day Trips and Misc.
The Mestads and the Frohlings2067 views
Tim with 840 Scraper1515 viewsClose-up of the 840 scraper with Tim
Another shot991 views
The "Spouses' Table"966 views
NewsBoys Rotating Drum Platform907 viewsIn this picture, the NewsBoys were doing drum duet (with their normal drummer and the lead singer on two different drumsets), both on a rotating platform that tilted entirely sideways! (view enlarged it for a better look).
Yellow Deere833 viewsCathy liked this yellow John Deere tractor a lot.
Class of '88 in 2003831 viewsThe class in 2003: (L-R all rows): Brian Mestad, Dori (Uhde) Sparby, Ryan Frohling, Chris Dirks, Michelle (Low) Boone, Anjanette (Suntken) Bills, Tim Fischer, Kari (Barkema) Leedom, Kendra (Waddingham) Pottebaum, Erin (Hopkey) Biedenbach
840 Scraper822 viewsTim was quite enamored with this huge model 840 scraper, mainly because he played with a toy version of it as a kid. It was definitely fun to see the real thing, beautifully restored.
Singing around the Campfire646 viewsWe even pulled out a guitar to sing some praise songs, as well as some old camp songs from our childhood.
Class of '88 in 2003594 viewsThe class in 2003: (L-R all rows): Brian Mestad, Dori (Uhde) Sparby, Ryan Frohling, Chris Dirks, Michelle (Low) Boone, Anjanette (Suntken) Bills, Tim Fischer, Kari (Barkema) Leedom, Kendra (Waddingham) Pottebaum, Erin (Hopkey) Biedenbach
Minneapolis Moline577 viewsHere's an unusual Minneapolis-Moline with cab.
Ultimate Frisbee536 viewsWe did have some active moments. Here some of the group partakes in a game of Ultimate Frisbee on the beach.
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