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Most viewed - Moo Cow
The end of a glorious life715 viewsMooCow was a wonderful pet. We'll never have another kitty like her-- which is why we don't plan on having another kitty for some time.
Sign of the end times??680 viewsMooCow and Bailey were NOT friends for the first 3 or so years that Bailey came to join our happy home. In the early days, they couldn't even stand to be in the same room: Moo would hiss and, if she could, swat him in the face, which in turn made Bailey avoid her. But as time went on, they grew to tolerate, almost enjoy each other. This picture wasn't posed -- they both decided to share the loveseat together on their own.
Just Hanging Out654 views...on the bed
Looking old, but still beautiful598 views
Annd still another shot576 viewsLounging on the bed
Another shot on the bed519 views
William and Moo Cow467 viewsWilliam and Moo curl up together in Mom's lap.
Moo Cow Bed II460 viewsAnother picture of Moo Cow in her "Moo Cow Bed" in December 2003
Kitty458 viewsMoo definitely started looking much older her last year or two.
Kitty in the Kitchen442 viewsNot sure this would meet Health Code... This picture is taken in the kitchen of our old home.
Moo Cow418 viewsHanging out on a different love seat in July 2002
Moo Cow Phone Home411 viewsThis is an old picture of Moo Cow, probably from the first year Tim had her in 1995, when he lived in an apartment with her. Here she hides among some stuffed animals underneath the aquarium. Anyone remember that scene from E.T.?
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